Here are some source files related to my YouTube video, Java Graphics Class Animation.
Please note that these files are provided for reference only. I do NOT give permission for you to submit this as your own work for a class. If you want to use it as an example somewhere, please give me (Stephanie Wilson, website credit.

If you just want to look over some of the basic code and see how it's done, you can just look at this file, I just copied this out of Netbeans and for some reason I haven't figured out how to get it to compile and run properly by hand. Whatever.

If you just want to see it run a little cleaner and better than what you see in the video, download the .jar file. Save it on your computer, open a command prompt and navigate to the location you saved it, and type this:
     java -jar "Graphics.jar"
It should run right away.

If you'd most like to see the Netbeans project, you can get the .zip here.